If interested in Park By The Ports for Port Everglades cruise parking, please visit the https://airportparkingreservations.com/lot_park_by_the_ports_cruise_flz cruise parking listing.
To allow our staff to enjoy their holidays, Park By The Ports will be closed during these limited hours = No shuttle service.Thanksgiving 11/28 - Close 10:00 AM
11/29 Re-Open 6:00 AM
Christmas 12/24 - Close 8:00 PM
12/26 Re-Open 6:00 AM
New Year's 12/31 - Close 8:00 PM
1/1 Re-Open 8:00 AM
You are more than welcome to park during our closed hours. Please leave your reservation on your dashboard, pick a spot, and take an uber/lyft to the airport. You can also pick up your vehicle anytime, 24/7.
The parking lot and your vehicle is accessible 24/7
We are located inside the Casino @ Dania Beach's parking lot in the North East corner by the white tent. You must check-in at the orange trailer. Please have your reservation ready to show the attendant. We will provide you a return ticket, vehicle tag, and remove your luggage to be placed on the shuttle. For domestic flights please arrive 2-3 hours before flight; for international flights please arrive 3-4 hours before scheduled departure time.
We recommend arriving at the lot 30 minutes before you would like to be at the airport. No liability is assumed by Park By The Port, Inc for loss or damage by fire, theft, flood, or any other cause to or by the vehicle while in the custody of Park By The Ports. All claims must be presented before the vehicle is taken from the facility. We are not responsible for any articles left in vehicles, shuttles, nor lots. If you need to extend your stay please e-mail info@parkbytheports.com
Free transportation for up to 4 passengers per vehicle Each additional passenger will have extra charge ($8.00 per person).The airport shuttle is an on-demand service, each way. For pick-up you must call Park By the Ports when you are outside of your terminal; ready for pick up. View live shuttle locations: bit.ly/parkbytheports
The shuttle service is available 24/7
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